Did you know?
We create itineraries for busy families, like yourself, who love to travel, but hate to plan? And we never write about a city that we haven't personally tried out! Which means, you know these trips will be fun! Check out our blog and our Instagram page to see for yourself.
What are the benefits of purchasing an itinerary?
You'll get a pre-planned trip to a cool destination! No planning required on your part. Imagine all the time you'll save starting out with a plan!
What do itineraries include:
*where to play *where to stay *what to eat *special insider tips to save you time and money *recommendations on what our family tried in the city *easy pricing for attractions, so you can manage your budget *links to special deals on attractions, when available *a parent’s guide with fun activities to prepare your child for the trip *a special area for note-taking and list making *a journal page for your kids, with a special question for each day, especially precious for making travel memories
Is it worth the money?
How long does it take you to plan a family trip? 4 hours? 10 hours? A weekend? Add up the hours it takes you to plan. Then, divide the cost of the itinerary by the hours it takes you to search online and read articles about the destination on Pinterest, Tripadvisor, etc.
Example: Let's say it takes you 4 hours to research and plan an overnight family trip. Divide $19.99 (cost of an itinerary) by 4 hours. Then, decide if saving 4 hours of your time is worth paying $4.99 an hour.
Is it worth it to you?
We're so confident that you'll find our itineraries valuable, that we're giving away the first one to you FOR FREE!
Click on the button, and give us your email so we know where to send the itinerary!