How do you find adventure in the daily grind?

We sold our home and traveled for almost a year.

Homeless, with suitcases and young kids in tow, we were tired of living life by default. We were sick of holding out for that one day (30 years from now) when retirement would free us up to put training wheels on our dreams and take it for a wobbly spin around the block.


​We traded everything we knew and redefined life's rules. And it was amazing!!

If you ask me how to find adventure while leading a life of full-time travel, I have lots of tips. 

But now, our story has changed.


 How can you maintain a sense of adventure and intentional living back in suburbia?

The season of full-time travel has ended. 

Life is shifting, yet again for ThoseCrazyNelsons.

And I'm a little skittish, I can't lie. 

I don't want to go back to: 

  • being so busy that every day of the week is spoken for. 
  • being so preoccupied with stuff that I lose an appreciation for life's real gifts, like my family, the sunset, and the growth that comes from stretching way beyond my comfort zone.
  • coordinating schedules instead of forging relationships.
  • collecting souvenirs instead of memories.
  • missing out on the marrow of life, the really juicy, delicate parts that carry all the vitality. 

So how do YOU stay connected to enthusiasm and adventure amidst the daily grind?



    I'm asking. I seriously need your tips.


    Samantha NelsonComment