The best age to travel
What's the best age to travel? ThoseCrazyNelsons
You may have heard it said--
Travel in your 20's:
before kids, before a mortgage, before you're worried about how taking too many days off will affect your career. Do it now while hostels are still romantic and you are your own captain.
Here's our excuse:
I have no money. I should be in college and doing exams. What little money I have goes quickly. I can't take time off from school and work. I'll have plenty of time to travel later.
The reality:
Now is a great time to travel.
What's the best age to travel? Have you missed it?
You may have heard it said--
Travel with your kids:
because family travel strengthens families. Travel forms and educates your kids. Experiencing new things is one of the best ways to model life for your children.
here's our excuse:
I'm tired. Having kids is hard--they have schedules. Traveling disrupts those schedules. They can be loud and obnoxious and hard to control. They make traveling stressful for me. I can travel more when they're older, or when they are out of the house.
the Reality:
Now is a great time to travel.
You havet missed your chance. You've got a whole lot of adventure ahead! ThoseCrazyNelsons
You may have heard it said--
Travel in retirement, when you're an empty-nester:
because you will have the freedom (financial and emotional) to travel and enjoy life. You will have worked hard. It will be your time relish life and savor experiences.
Here's our excuse:
I'm caring for an aging parent; now is not the time. I'm on a limited budget. I am not well enough to travel. I've been in one place for so long, traveling feels risky.
the reality:
Now is a great time to travel.
There will always be reasons to see the world later, to put off adventures in order to contend with life. And while I am not championing irresponsibility, I am encouraging you: don't forfeit life now in the hopes of living it one day in the distant future. Things will never be peaceful enough, settled enough, or safe enough.
You are worthy of an adventurous life today, no matter what age you are, no matter how busy you are.
The best time to travel is today.
We want to help.