Here's ONE way to extend your summer!
Are you settling into your back-to-school routine??
You’re probably just getting into the rhythm of managing sports practices and evening meals and homework deadlines and grocery shopping...and all the the adult things.
In the midst of it--are you AT ALL wondering how the summer went by so fast?
I am.
I didn’t get to do much traveling this summer, because we were juggling the sale of our house and our big move into a little apartment. Downsizing is a beast, y’all. It made our summer plans take a backseat. Right about the time I’ll start to really feel settled into our back-to-school groove, I know I’ll look up and realize that summer is done.
Well...maybe not.
In every season, I’m always looking for the best travel locations.
And every year in the fall, I adore the “spirit” of Gulf Shores.
"It’s not too late..."
"You’ve got more time…"
These are the core messages this destination whispers to each of us every August through November. (If you press your ears really hard to a seashell, you may be able to hear it.)
“Right about the time I’ll start to really feel settled into our back-to-school groove, I know I’ll look up and realize that summer is done.”
When I’m moaning about how fast summer went or I’m complaining because I feel like I’ve missed the critical vacation window for warm, sunny weather, Gulf Shores is like a sweet Southern friend who says, “Girl, I got you. At my house you can drink pumpkin-spiced lattes in your bathing suit on the beach.”
So, what if instead of pinning back-to-school lunch ideas, you pinned back-to-school travel ideas on PInterest?
I’m excited to be partnering with Gulf Shores and Orange Beach this fall to bring you some helpful ways to keep on summering as we move into the last part of 2018. I’ll be doing a series for you over the next few weeks on back-to-school travel ideas at the BEACH!
Here are just a few of the fun FALL festivals for which you can be planning:
-10th Annual Oyster Cook Off and Craft Beer Weekend
-The Wharf Uncorked Food and Wine Festival
-47th Annual National Shrimp Festival
And if you’re one of “those strange people” who likes to workout for fun instead of eat, there’s even something for you at the beach this fall!
See?? Deep breath. We haven’t missed our window.
There’s a lot of incredible travel that can be done between now and November 2018. Stay tuned...I’ll be writing all about it.